27 October 2008

Holy Eons, Batman!

It's been forever since we've posted! And by "forever" we clearly mean "greater than one year" because that's how long it has been, according to the time stamp on the last post. This is a long time in blog years, and an even longer time in dog years.

To update on the tree stuff: pushed the number of measured trees past 20,000, paper has been submitted, and Hema'ehu made the leap back across the pond to San Francisco to do other things.

There's a point at which one person, alone in the forest with nothing but a measuring tape, chalk, and a notebook, goes crazy. We went crazy. We talked to ourselves. We talked to trees. We stubbed our toes too many times on sharp rocks. We became disenchanted with the notion of working outside.

And so we ran, we ran so far away. 

To an office, in downtown, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. 

There's still too much to do, and our role is now more central to the fight against climate change. But the trees will be missed, and there will never be anything quite like a sunbreak in a mist soaked forest.

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